By the way, this was submitted by me and reviewed by Jeff Trawick.

Paul J. Reder wrote:

> I am both embedding and attaching the APR fix since my e-mail editor
> seems to munge patches...
> This is to fix the command arg parsing for mod_ext_filter to provide
> the normal quote and escaped quote processing.
> The files impacted are:
> httpd-2.0/CHAGES
> httpd-2.0/modules/experimental/mod_ext_filter.c
> apr/strings/apr_cpystrn.c
> I will commit the CHANGES and mod_ext_filter.c changes. If someone in
> APR would commit the apr_cpystrn changes I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Paul J. Reder
"The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each
citizen to defend it.  Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do
his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure."
-- Albert Einstein

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