On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 02:12:10PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> There are a few other little bugs that I'd like to fix so that 2.0.41
> holds most folks for a month or few.  I have no objection if you simply
> want to use an interim tag so we consume only the bug fixes.  But it's
> possibly easier just to hold off till Monday, if you wouldn't mind.

People usually have free time on the weekend, so the release is more easily
done then.

You can always do a 2.0.42 next week if you'd like.

Every time that somebody says "hold off just a day", and again, and again,
and before you know it, two weeks has passed without a release. Release
numbers are cheap; time and volunteering it for a release is expensive.
Let's let the RM decide when they'd like to release and work to that

[ and, preferably, "work to that" also means no cramming in "fixes" at the
  last minute, which invariably become bugs :-) ]


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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