On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 10:42:09AM +0100, Sander Striker wrote:
> Thought this might be something for you...
> [08:56] <wrowe> hey folks, dav_new_error question for the svn'ers
> [08:57] <wrowe> anyone noticed the int save_errno = errno; bogosity within 
> [08:57] <wrowe> and has anyone suggested a good way to grab apr_status_t values into 
>that dav_error rec?

It was a shortcut to avoid having to pass the darned thing to every call of
dav_new_error. The "right" answer is to add an apr_status_t to the param
list of dav_new_error.

Note, though, that adding a param to that function is technically an MMN
bump. However, there are only four Apache 2.0 mod_dav backends that I know
about (mod_dav_fs, mod_dav_svn, mod_dav_repos (Catacomb), and mod_dav_psql).
We can easily keep those up to date.

It would be nice to have a finer-grained MMN. In particular, one just for
the DAV API.

I've also been thinking that Justin's new ap_provider stuff should take an
ABI version number in there somewhere. A provider can register an API with a
particular ABI version. A user can ask for providers that match a specific
ABI. Or, (better) a user gets a provider and its ABI. The user can then
adjust its processing based on whatever ABI the provider was designed for.

Doing that to ap_provider would allow us to upgrade the provider-based APIs
without an MMN bump. With sufficient work, the user of a provider could call
the provider in N different ways, based on different incarnations of the
binary interface.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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