André Malo wrote:
* André Malo wrote:

All the links inside of the text are causing 404s (missing apidoc_ prefix
and .html suffix). Where is that stuff stored and generated? Although it's
1.3 we should keep it clean :)

hmm. It seems, I'm not the right person to fix that. Can someone with more knowledge about that fun explain me how to the actual online apidoc is/was built or much better, fix it? ;-))

I've fixed that in cvs:/site-tools/httpd-docs/ but I don't have a clue how this gets on the website. I guess it's checked out into the appropriate dir on daedalus and then built over there, but since I don't have an account on daedalus, we'll need somebody else to fix this :)

Can anybody please take the required steps and update the website ( You'll need the following:

- cvs:/httpd-docs-1.3/apidoc/*
- cvs:/site-tools/httpd-docs/
- cvs:/site-tools/httpd-docs/mkapidict

and then execute

./mkapidict -l0 -d api.list -o index.html -t api-dict.html -v

TIA and cheers,

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