At 04:47 PM 3/24/2003, André Malo wrote:
>* William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> Apache 2.0 testers,
>>   can you please help move forward the next HTTPD release by
>> checking out httpd-2.0 from the WROWE_2_0_45_RC1 tag?  This
>> should look something like;
>Just a question: does it mean, there's no chance to get the outstanding 
>patches of mod_rewrite in?
>(I know, we should hurry a bit with that release, but the patches are still 
>waiting for review since exactly one month ...)

Understandable - unfortunately only Brad weighed in, and he forgot to
indicate exactly which of the several rewrite patches he tested.

I'll review tonight and see which I have time to +1 myself.  I would ask
for extra eyeballs before we incorporate any patches at this late date.
Bugs hanging around is bad - but introducing new regressions is worse.

By the way, anyone can suggest that an issue is a SHOWSTOPPER
to the next release, although it better be a showstopper.  I would suggest
you snip those explicit backports that you believe would resolve this bug
to the list, the section in 2.0-dev's STATUS can be hard to follow.

Oh - testing before/after with httpd-test/perl-framework really helps justify
the patch - especially if you can create a scenario if none exists already.


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