flock is used on FreeBSD by default... flock requires that chmod be done on the lock in the child init

As an aside, why is flock() used on FreeBSD? It has SysV like mutexes and POSIX ones too (at least in 4.8) - I may sound unsure cause I've only recently switched platforms from Linux to FreeBSD just to be different.

at Apache 2.0.48-dev, you have to do the chmod() on the lock file, like mod_ssl does in that branch

OK. Is there an API that returns what the APR_LOCK_DEFAULT mutex will be?

so you can figure out what kind of mutex it is and, if it is fcntl, do the chmod() yourself, or hope that 2.0 is changed to handle this issue for you

That would be the ideal solution, but I'm not sure I can wait until 2.0.48. Plus not everyone upgrades when they should, so I need a work around.

BTW are there any version macros in Apache 2 or the APR like:



that can be tested at compile time to handle variations?

I've copied [EMAIL PROTECTED] to nag about getting the unixd_set_global_mutex_perms() enhancement (doing the right thing with flock mutexes) merged into stable finally.

-- Anthony C Howe +33 6 11 89 73 78 http://www.snert.com/ ICQ: 7116561 AIM: Sir Wumpus " " - Zen thought

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