Brian Akins wrote:

On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 09:56, Jeff Trawick wrote:

next step is to get backtrace from coredump... do you know how to enable core dumps and get backtraces? (if not, what OS is this and what version of the web server?)

Yes.  But I can never get them when I let httpd change id (ie, from root
to httpd).  I set CoreDumpDirectory to /tmp, but no dumps.  If I run
everything as myself (without port 80), I can get dumps.

This is httpd 2.0.47, RedHat AS 2.1.

Check avail disk space in tmp, check ulimits in the shell used to start the server. Linux >= 2.4 requires a special prctl() invocation in order to get core dumps from programs that switch identity, but Apache2.0.47 should be taking care of that for you as long as it is built on RHAS 2.1. To verify, find the call to prctl() in os/unix/unixd.c, stick "#error gobble" on the line right before it, type make, and verify that compilation broke. (i.e., verify that Apache recognized that prctl() was possible and necessary on your system)

for ulimits, the core dump size is the normal problem

# ulimit -c unlimited
# apachectl start
# ulimit -c (whatever you had before)

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