what's about the 2.0.48 release?

builds for NetWare and Win32, and seems to work fine; no stress tests done yet...


> Thom May wrote:
>> +1 from Linux: prefork/perchild/threadpool/worker all build
>>                prefork/worker both work fine in production environments.

> The new httpd is looking good on www.apache.org (minotaur) since
> 09-Oct-2003
> 15:08:33 PDT.  A few minutes before this, we had about a one minute outage
> due
> to admin brain damage...sorry.  The rewrite lock complaints are gone.
> Yay!

> As always, if you notice anything weird, please speak up.

> httpdadmin types: if we have to fall back to 2.0.48-dev, copy
> modules.conf.old
> into modules.conf before restarting.

> Greg

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