Marc G. Fournier wrote:

I've just spent the past little while searching Google for anything that
might shed some light on this, and am drawing a blank ... from what I can
tell, it isn't a configuration issue (unless I'm missing a configuration
setting), but I don't know how to debug it from the server end ...

I just setup an Apache 2.0.48 server, and all the config files are 'the
default' based on what FreeBSD installs from ports ... if I go to:


I get a string of 'garbage'(high ascii?) characters across my browser,
almost as if its reading the raw directory, but if I go to:

Is it any different if you use the URL



We have logic to make sure that we don't try to serve a directory special file from default handler. Hopefully that isn't busted on your box.

A truss of a process handling the problematic request might be useful.

Hopefully you have --disable-threads and are using prefork MPM since this is FreeBSD?

I have 2.0.47 on another machine that appears to be working as expected,
so I'm curious as to whether its maybe a bug in 2.0.48 ... ?

I haven't heard any reports of anything like this.

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