At 11:16 AM 12/19/2003, Tony Finch wrote:
>On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 10:04:15AM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> UseCanonicalName Off, Host: header provided (HTTP/1.1)
>>   The host name header *excluding the host header port suffix * of the request 
>>   is concatenated to httpd 1.3's Port directive setting or the real port number
>>   in httpd 2.0.  
>The Port directive has some muddled ServerName/UseCanonicalName semantics
>which is what distinguishes it from the Listen directive. I think the
>behaviour you describe is intended.
>> Now this might appear to be a moot issue, but if a proxy that doesn't mangling
>> headers bounces requests from port 80 to another server's port 8080 attempting
>> to impersonate the front end proxy, everything should work, in theory, with
>> UseCanonicalName Off.  As it turns out, UseCanonicalName must be turned
>> on to avoid the port :8080 suffix from being appended to the redirects.
>In this situation you should be using Listen rather than Port. Is 2.0 different?

Let me be clear (on the 1.3 side)...

one expects that given;

UseCanonicalName Off
Listen 8080
Port 80

an inbound request with a Host header of foo:80 would respond with
the redirection http://foo:80/

It does not.  The Listen port again applies until you turn UseCanonicalName On.


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