André Malo wrote:
> * Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Though since it really affects any logging it probably should be called 
>>UNESCAPED_LOGGING or similar. And probably a similar patch applied to 1.3.
> It only affects error logging. 

that was my intent.

> What do you mean by any logging?
> I can live with it in general (wouldn't make the scratch definition twice).

sorry, that was me trying to make it compile under -Werror with my only
passable C skills :)

> However, is it wise to add a configure option for it?

how do you mean?  I was trying to make it just a compile time option,
similar to -DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE (which seems to me a bigger risk than this).
 do you mean to require users to change a define in the code itself?


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