On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Graham Leggett wrote:

> Nick Kew wrote:
> > I posted my proposed smart filter module a few days ago, in response
> > a post here identifying a situation where it is relevant.
> Ideally there should be one way of loading modules, not two - if it is
> practical to fix AddOutputFilter, then that should be done, otherwise if
> mod_filter works then I would suggest scrapping AddOutputFilter in
> favour of the mod_filter module.

Thanks for the comment.  I agree in principle.
In practice, there are a couple of issues to deal with.

As it stands, mod_filter is only applicable to content filters, so
protocol, connection and network  filters have to be dealt with
separately.  That may be irrelevant: are there real-life examples
of non-content filters being configured in httpd.conf?

Secondly, removing existing directives will of course break configs
for users.  Do we want to do that without deprecating them first?

Finally, what I've implemented is a 2.0 module.  There's a fair bit
of integration work to do in util_filter to eliminate duplication of
functionality between the old and the new.  And I expect breakage
while that's work-in-progress.

Nick Kew

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