On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Manoj Kasichainula wrote:
How about separating the "example" and "default" configs? Make the default config short, but provide an example config with all the meat that can be easily cut-and-pasted.

Or put richer examples in the docs. We have been working on that a little. Some of the module docs now come with a nice example config at the top which can be cut-pasted into httpd.conf (see mod_dav/mod_cache/mod_proxy/mod_defalte for examples).

For example, I think <IfModule> lines in a config file are usually a bad idea, since the webserver should complain loudly if a needed module isn't present, instead of just ignoring the situation.

I've always been a strong supporter of that argument. I frequently see people on the users list who try a directive and find that it doesn't work and they get no error message. If they removed the <IfModule> they would get a nice message telling them why it didn't work.

But there are several people who have argued strongly that they want the default config to work regardless of what modules people include in their build.

+1 to your proposal in the meantime (given my proposal above). I'd probably just get rid of all of the per-mpm stuff even. The mpms should have reasonable default values, so unless the admin needs to make a specific change, there should be no need for any of those directives in the default config.


If any changes in the defaults are necessary, then this would need to be 2.1 only. But I guess we are mostly talking about 2.1 in general anyway.


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