Hey Gurpreet,

On Oct 21, 2004, at 3:57 PM, Gurpreet Grewal wrote:

I am facing a problem when I am trying to use the OpenSSL (0.9.7d to
be precise) with the BraodCom BCM5823 card. I tried running the
following two commands-
      openssl des3  -in inputfile  -out outputfile -engine ubsec
      openssl des3  -in inputfile  -out outputfile

Ideally the first command should take less time/less main CPU coz it
should be using the SSL processor. But they take almost the same
amount of time/main CPU.

This is not exactly a forum for OpenSSL discussion... as you saw, your previous question about running httpd/mod_ssl with the SSL Engine generated quite a bit of response. However, you may expect the OpenSSL interest of the Apache httpd community to stop at the integration boundary.

That said, does the BCM4823 actually offload 3DES operations for you? Even if it does, it may be that the trip across the PCI bus cancels out any benefit you might be gaining from the offload.

Try some RSA encrypt/decrypt operations: that's where this type of coprocessor really shines.


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