William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

The reason this popped up is that the function was not previously exported, therefore it was in the c convention as a local function.

In the future, Mladen, please don't assume unix coders know
this distinction and please go ahead, fix things up as necessary.

Have no idea how to do that with AP_DECLARE. So either declarations inside ap_listen.h will change to something that is acceptable on all platforms, or we'll be unable to build on win32 anymore AFAICT.

Only thing that I can think of is to add new proto
AP_DECLARE_STD that will be declared as:
#define AP_DECLARE_STD(type)            type

and adding that to make_exports.awk
/^[ \t]*AP[RU]?_(CORE_)?DECLARE?(_STD)[^(]*[(][^)]*[)]([^ ]* )*[^(]+[(]/ {
    sub("[ \t]*AP[RU]?_(CORE_)?DECLARE?(_STD)[^(]*[(][^)]*[)][ \t]*", "")

Platform maintainers accept that folks will break code on their platform - it's a given.

I'm aware of that. Just fixed couple of things related to mod_cache and pcre.


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