I have noticed this behavior as well. Apache is quiet unless it actually finds 
revocation of the cert being verified.

Perhaps better would be code that checked that for every trusted CA (via 
SSLCACertificate*) there is a corresponding CRL and if not, post a warning (or 
error) in the log (according to your selected revocation check method). I don't 
see that you would need a new directive except for choosing revocation check 

BTW, are coding it to support more than one method in a preferred order? 

Such as something like
SSLRevocationMethod OCSP CRL

meaning, try OCSP first and fall back to CRL (if OCSP timeout). As you can see, 
I am interested in your patch.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthieu Estrade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: modssl - ocsp - crl

I'm close to finish the ocsp feature on mod_ssl, but when i look the 
entire client auth system, there is some little point not really clean.
For example, when somebody today setup a SSLVerifyClient require and put 
CA and CRL, with SSLCARevocationPath, if no CRL is correct inside the 
path, mod_ssl will not find the good one and will bypass CRL check. What 
i mean is on a misconfigured system, admin can't know if crl check is 
active or not.
Sometimes, the SSLCARevocationPath directive is used with a little 
daemon updating CRL.

Maybe it's a normal behaviour, but i think it could be more clean to 
choose the way to say the user is authenticated, via a directive:

SSLVerifyClient require
SSLCACertificatePath /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/
SSLCARevocationPath /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crl/
SSLVerifyClientMethod +CRL (or +OCSP) or -CRL.

In this case, the default could be CA + CRL and block if no valid crl is 
-CRL could disable the crl check etc...



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