"William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> HTTP/1.0
>   the 'classic' HTTP/1.0 handling -must- buffer the body if the connection
>   will be renegotiated.  This should no longer be handled inside the mod_ssl
>   module itself, by itself.  With the advent of filters, either apreq2 or
>   another 'client buffer' module must be implemented.  The logic looks like;
>     client brigade read loop
>       mem_body > max_memory_body ?
>         create tmpfile if tmpfile isnull
>         response 'failure' if total_body > max_buffer_body
>         write body -> tmpfile
>     reopen tmpfile read-only
>     insert tmpfile bucket of tmpfile prior to remaining mem_body buckets.

I'm not very familiar with the ssl-protocol upgrade stuff, so
I can't comment on the merits of what you're proposing.  But I
can tell you that what you're suggesting here is pretty much 
what mod_apreq already does.  The basic idea is to represent 
the spooled request data as a single brigade with a file bucket 
on the end, together with some configuration settings that control 
both brigade size and switchover behavior: from "append new buckets" 
to "write new bucket data to file".  Factoring out that logic from 
mod_apreq and importing it to httpd shouldn't be too hard.  I think 
it would be a bit more work to adjust mod_apreq to support this 
behavior without a parser actually being present, but I'm sure we 
could do it if there's a real desire for using apreq within httpd.

Joe Schaefer

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