On Mar 4, 2005, at 12:08 PM, Jeff Trawick wrote:
Any comments on these two separate proposals?

b) tweak worker MPM to automatically bump the value of MaxSpareThreads
to at least 15% of MaxClients, with a warning written to the error log

I like this best, because is requires no action on the user's part to take advantage of the change.

Just so I understand the problem correctly, you're saying that
when Worker is trying hard to stay near that MaxSpareThreads
setting, and under a condition that pushes the server constantly
up near that threshold (eg. when you have a sustained connection
rate that is higher than MaxSpareThreads) then the turnover of
connections causes Worker to kill and respawn children quickly,
but that since the turnover is so quick you end up having children
lingering around with one or two thread slots and essentially
we approach the prefork scenario in terms of number of child
processes. Is this correct?


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