Jess Holle wrote:
> Is there any remaining/ongoing interest in this development area?
> The need to authenticate a single resource against multiple disparate
> (non-failover/non-redundant) LDAP servers looms large and I'd like to
> think that this would be part of Apache 2.2 soon...  [I'd rather not
> have to hack this in in a narrow, special-cased, hackish way myself...]

I have a JAAS LoginModule which I wrote for Jetty that does exactly this
(if I understand what you mean, that is :).

At work, I have our website authentication first checking OpenLDAP, then
falling back to Win2k Active Directory.

I want to be able to do the same from Apache, and am pretty tempted to
start coding up a module to do it.

Russell Howe

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