Rian Hunter wrote:

Jem Berkes wrote:

To address one of the points brought up on IRC, if there is actually a
non-experimental target for this software any time soon it would make
more sense to support the 2.0 server as I think few production servers
would be running 2.1?  I'm just speaking from what I saw, that is,
among my colleagues I do not know anyone who has tried Apache 2.1 yet.
 Many are still stuck at 1.3, but those people suck anyway :)

I think that deciding between 2.1 and 2.0 isn't a big deal since we can have source compatibility between them. You do make a good point when you mention all the poeple who still use 1.3. I think we should support 2.0, although (i'm not trying to sound negative) I'm pretty sure that most of the people that will be using mod_smtpd will be people writing specialized smtp setups (and running the latest httpd anyway) and not people who run production mail servers, even though mod_smtpd will be powerful enough to be a production mail server i just think sys admins are more stubborn about changing their mail server setup than the web server setup.

FWIW, your email to this mailing list was handle by Apache::Qsmtpd, running on Apache HTTPD 2.1.5:

mod_perl + Apache::Qsmtpd.  It handles all incoming email for apache.org.

Don't discount the chances of someone running it in production very very soon.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't revolutionize the mail server market overnight and completely replace Qmail, but I think it would be pretty cool to hear it handled X million emails in a 24 hour period.


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