Jess Holle wrote:

Agreed, but some of us need an /officially /stable Apache with good LDAP authentication support.

The problem is that the v2.0.x code was not very defensive, which means a simple failure up front causes an obscure and random crash somewhere further down in the code. The fixes as a result were relatively large and difficult to review for v2.0.x. Some of the fixes involved new and changed interfaces to apr-util which were difficult to backport.

As a result the v2.0.x code lags far behind v2.2, and backporting fixes is a not trivial task. I think the effort is better spent getting v2.2 out the door.

Apache 2.0.54 is the best thing out there in this regard, but as you note it leaves a lot to be desired. Apache 2.2 seems infinitely far away...

v2.2 has been branched, not sure when the first actual release on this branch will be?


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