
On Aug 18, 2005, at 11:45 AM, Brian Akins wrote:

We have servers that listen on a ports other than 80 which our load balancers communicate with. The client hits port 80 on the load balancer. I hacked up a quick module to try to emulate the old "Port" config directive so that redirects go to the "canonical" port. It does this by changing r->parsed_uri.port, based on what ap_get_server_port does

I'm in much the same boat. My module substitutes the outside listening port in the post_config handler:

static int bn_post_config(apr_pool_t *pconf, apr_pool_t *plog, apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
    bn_cfg *cfg;
    server_rec *swalk;

    for (swalk = s; swalk; swalk = swalk->next) {
        cfg = BNSrvConfig(swalk);
        if (cfg->enabled) {
            swalk->port = cfg->listenport;
    return OK;

This has been lightly tested and is based on ap_get_server_port looking in that particular place first. So far no horrible side effects have been observed.

Do you do more/different things?


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