Hi list,

[I'm answering to myself in order to revive the thread.]

The aim of Summer of Code projects is that the work done by the
student is then integrated and used. That's why I call for a vote for
merging changes made to mod_mbox in the httpd-mbox-if into trunk, with
the underlying goal of switching mail-archives.apache.org to the new

You can find a complete patch of the changes at
http://blog.bulix.org/pub/mod_mbox-end-of-soc.patch or by executing
the following command :

svn diff http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/mod_mbox/trunk \

Thank you,
- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (http://www.bulix.org)
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.

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