On 10/03/2005 09:53 PM, Brian Akins wrote:
> Rüdiger Plüm wrote:


> but that would not be buffering in the sense that mod_log_config does
> it.  mod_log_config just keeps appending data to a buffer.  in an sql
> logger, to "buffer" you would keep a list/array/ring of log lines and
> wrap them in a transaction.  This cannot be "buffered" in mod_log_config



> See latest patch :)

To be honest I haven't tried it yet, but does apr_uri_parse handle the spaces
between the piped log parameters correctly?
Furthermore I guess you should use

pl = ap_open_piped_log(p, name);

instead of

pl = ap_open_piped_log(p, name + 1);

The "|" does not prefix name any longer :-).


> interesting.  You could have a "linebuffer" that buffered in a way I
> describe above and a "buffer" that does it the current way.  This may be
>  a larger change that we first started.  Of course, you could define a
> log filter chain:
> LogFilter example "monitor param=somevalue|buffer size=1024|compress|file"

Sounds like a good idea

> and then apply the filter in Custom Log:
> CustomeLog filter://example/logs/some.log common
> filter could supply "/logs/some.log" as user_data to each filter.

I guess /logs/some.log is only interesting for the backend. We also
need to consider that backend providers might need totally different (compared 
to filenames)
parameter types. Maybe URL's with args.
I currently found no solution that makes me really happy in conjunction with 
logfilters but
I will keep on thinking on this.

> Of course, this is a much larger change than I think we are ready to
> tackle now.

Yes of course. This would require much changes and will not be done in a quick
patch, but it just came up my mind during this discussion and it might be a 
feature to think of.



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