Joshua, I appologize for pre-staging - was hoping this would save some
cycles in this extremely busy week and didn't mean to get in the way of
other devs updating the site.

Jim, I'm happy to push the website up to date when you stage the files
for release.  [FYI - I'll create the Win32 installer early this aftn.]

We were thinking on irc... what if we had

  /httpd/site/trunk  -  the site under development
  /httpd/site/live   -  the site, as live [autoupdate as a post-commit?]

so that nothing is in the way of authoring announcments and content?


Jim Jagielski wrote:
Argf. I am planning on releasing late today or early tomorrow, btw

On Oct 16, 2005, at 1:32 PM, Joshua Slive wrote:

The download.cgi got updated to 1.3.34 before the release, so all 1.3 downloads are now broken

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