On Wednesday 30 November 2005 20:43, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> I'm voting -1 until the issue of packaging apr/apr-util/apr-iconv in the
> httpd tarball is resolved.  The last I heard, there were folks voting
> AGAINST this, yet I saw these trees in httpd-2.1.10 tarball.  Why?

Can someone clarify: what happens *by default* if APR 1.0/1.1 is
found on a target machine?  If it tries to build against that, I'd
support a -1.  If it does something sensible - which could be emitting
an error message and refusing to build - I'd not worry.

> And the suggestion to have an httpd-2.x.x-bundle.tar.gz was raised, that we
> include apr/apr-util/kitchen sink.  That never saw a resolution, with
> several of those against apr being rolled into httpd, also being against
> this proposal. No legitimate counterproposals were offered.

I diskile bundling APR, and dislike even more bundling third-party libs
like expat and pcre.  But I thought I/we had just lost that argument
with louder voices.

> There's no way that this list has agreement/concluded vote on if srclib/
> should include apr/apr-util/expat, and when it's present ./configure is
> doing the wrong things.  So we perpetuate (nay - it's made worse) the 2.0
> just to push this out the door.

Yep.  The software is better than 2.0, but the packaging isn't.  I don't like
it, but since I don't feel willing/able to fix the packaging myself, I just
grit my teeth and bear it.

> Roy's point of how f'ed up many fink distributions are is rather funny,
> it's the reason my Mac isn't building httpd-2.2 from svn, and the reason
> I'm building new toolchains on Win32.  The last thing I want is for httpd
> to be as much of a mess as most of the packages out there, today :-)

Nah.  If we don't mess up enough, the packagers will do that for us.

Nick Kew

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