Dear All,

First of all, congratulation on the release of 2.2.

I use mod_auth_pgsql at, and found a problem earlier in the year. To get reasonable performance you need to use the module's caching mechanism, but this cache is not flushed or updated when the database changes. So things don't work properly when the user changes their password.

I started to think about fixing it myself but quickly realised that both the database and authentication frameworks were changing in 2.1+ and decided to wait before doing anything. I now see that 2.2 has mod_auth[nz]_dbd - great!

However, as far as I can see from and the source, this new module doesn't do any caching. Is this true? To get the sort of performance that I need for my site I really need in-memory caching of passwords, but I also need to solve mod_auth_pgsql's non-updating problem. The solution to this is to use PostgreSQL's asynchronous notification mechanism: the module issues a "LISTEN" command and is then notified when the password table changes. I don't know if the APR DB interface has any support for this (it doesn't seem to be documented at all at; even if it does, it is not portable to other databases.

Has anyone looked at this? If no-one is working on this and you think it would be a useful feature to add, I may be able to write something with a bit of help.



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