-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Robby Pedrica 

> Hi Rudiger,
> I've applied patches and recompiled. My results are as follows:
> 1. apache starts up with the member 'b' disabled now
> 2. if I shutdown the working member 'a' httpd, then manager shows the change 
> only when you try and access the web site. Moves from state ok to err
> 3. If I bring the member 'a' back up again ( start httpd ) then manager shows 
> the move from err to ok only after trying to access the site.

2. and 3. work as designed. httpd only changes the status for a worker to err 
if a request failed in the middle or if it tried to assign a request
to this worker and that failed. Once the worker is in error state httpd will 
not try to assign a new request to this worker for "retry" seconds
(see parameter explanation at 
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypass). After that 
grace period the worker gets new requests
assigned again and will switch back to ok once it processed the assigned 
request successfully.

> This is definitely an improvement even if failover isn't working because at 
> least we can manually failover ...

Considering my explanation above, what do you mean by "failover isn't working"?



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