>> I am porting some CGI code to run as a module.  It is all pretty
>> straightforward, except that I can't work out how to get at a POST
>> request's body.

Thanks to Michael for this:

> while (ap_get_brigade(r->input_filters, brigade, AP_MODE_READBYTES,
>     apr_brigade_flatten(brigade, buf, &len);
>     apr_brigade_cleanup(brigade);
>     tlen += len;
>     if (tlen == count_bytes || !len) {
>         break;
>     }
>     buf += len;
>     len = count_bytes - tlen;
> }

That looks good and I've tried something like it, but it seems to segfault as soon as ap_get_brigade is called. I'm guessing that I need to create the brigade first, but apr_brigade_create has a second mysterious parameter that I can't work out. Michael, maybe you just need to post the five lines before those??

BTW, is there any better documentation for this than http://docx.webperf.org/group__APR__Util__Bucket__Brigades.html?

Nick Kew wrote:

> If you had a usable-looking email address. I could reply with
> exactly what you need

I'm sorry that it doesn't look useable to you, but I can assure you that it does work; it's not even filtered. It would be quite hard to subscribe to this list with a non-functioning address, I think.



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