On Feb 8, 2006, at 9:28 PM, Rian Hunter wrote:
On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Brian J. France wrote:
+1, I like the idea of the storing the setting in the per connection instance. Leaving the default in the core and copying it to an per connection struct would allow modules to tweak the setting per connection.

One other addition to the smtpd_session_rec I would like to see would be something like r->notes or r->subprocess_env. Some way for modules to set flags that would change the behavior of another module. As an example I might want to add a new modules that changes the max data size based on either connection ip or mail from address. This module would want to set a flag telling the size module to not show the numerical size limit in the ehlo response as it might change based on the the mail from address.

Something like r->notes does exist, check scr->session_config.

session_config is a ap_conf_vector_t, which I think is more like r- >per_dir_config or r->request_config.

r->notes and r->subprocess_env is a apr_table_t.


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