Anyone?  This is killing me.

The only thing I've been able to figure out is this:

        my  $error = $apacheRequest->body_status();
        if ( $error eq 'Exceeds configured maximum limit' )
                $self->RESULT_FINAL__general( undef , 'Your file is too big.' );

matching against a error text message is pretty bad, IMO, and makes me worry what happens if someone changes the error message or if there are multiple errors.

On Feb 10, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Jonathan wrote:

how do i catch the error when POST_MAX has been passed?


sub handler
        my      $r       = shift;
my $apr = Apache2::Request->new( $r , DISABLE_UPLOADS=>0 , POST_MAX=>100_000 );

and someone tries to upload something 200_000 ?

it's unclear in the docs group__apreq__xs__request.html

Limit the size of POST data (in bytes).

i'd love to know how to catch this, and even more for someone to update the docs with that info :)

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