On 5/7/06, Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now, what about a platform that HAS_PTHREAD_KILL, but which uses some
other form of threading in its APR (isn't that at least an option on some
FreeBSD versions?)  Wouldn't this break horribly when it pthread_kills a
non-pthread?  Couldn't it even happen on Linux, in principle at least?

On FreeBSD you basically need to pick one threading library, if you're
linked against more than one of them bad things happen, since they all
implement the same pthread functions.  On Solaris, which does have
multiple threading implementations with different APIs, I don't think
it would matter, since pthreads is implemented on top of the lower
level solaris threads.  I suspect that's the common case, if there is
another threading library it's lower level and pthreads is generally
implemented on top of it.  The only other case I can think of is if
you're using a user level threading library but the system has its own
pthreads library.


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