Jim Gallacher wrote:
There was a question on the mod_python list regarding mpcp, which provides a mod_python handler for cherrypy. Out of curiosity I took a look at mpcp. Low and behold, they use req.server.register_cleanup to stop the cherrypy server.

I'm becoming increasingly concerned about dropping server.register_cleanup. I suspect that we may end up breaking code all over the place. MODPYTHON-109 could end up being a bigger PITA than it already is.


How about this as a kludge. Make server.register_cleanup an option either at compile time or at startup via a PythonOption. (I haven't looked at the code, but I'm assuming that it is possible).

Forcing people that *really* want to use the cleanup to explicitly turn it on will at least give them fair warning that it might cause some ugly problems. Something like this could be used:

PythonOption mod_python.enable_server_cleanup "yes, I did read the docs"


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