On 09/13/2006 10:17 PM, Nick Kew wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 September 2006 20:33, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
>>Wouldn't it make sense to return OK even if rv != APR_SUCCESS in the case
>>that c->aborted is set, just like in the default handler?
> I'm not sure.  Presumably if c->aborted is set, then we have no client
> to respond to, so this is just about housekeeping and what ends up
> in the logs.  Do we want to log a successful POST or PUT when it wasn't?

I guess currently this is a problem, because no meaningful r->status value is 
by the core network filters in the case that c->aborted comes true. In the case 
a timeout this could be a 408. I am not sure about the correct code if the 
connection is just closed by the client. Any RFC guru an idea?
OTH I am not sure if returning an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR is correct either when 
client aborted the connection.



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