On 09/15/2006 07:41 PM, Brian Rectanus wrote:

> I am thinking that there is still not a way to check if
> I think 'SetEnvIf response ...' will not resolve env vars it did not

Yes, this is true. It was also my first thought to go this way and having 
work on responses seems to be nice anyway (apart from balancing stuff).
But after a brief look I found that comparing two environment variables with 
requires quite a bunch of changes to mod_setenvif and aboves patch seems to be 
a quicker
way (and still a good way) to get what is wanted.

> set (at least that is what the docs hint at - have not tried).
> So, this BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED patch is still needed.  I have been
> meaning to send it but you got to it first :)  Will you commit that to
> trunk?

Yes, this is my intention. I am just waiting for some further comments and then 
I will commit it.

> Also, I would like my patches (now in trunk) and this additional
> BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED patch to go into the next 2.2.x release if that

Once the above patch is in I will propose them for backport to 2.2.x.

> seems ok.  Is this something you would do, or do you want me to put
> togeather a 2.2.x patch?

I guess you already did most of it:

You tested it.
You gave feedback.
You even provided documentation (hadn't time to review it so far).

Thanks for that.



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