On 6 Jan 2007, at 07:41, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/ will soon (within the hour, upon resync)
contain the following tarballs for approval

httpd-2.2.4.tar.bz2 [.asc|.md5]
httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz [.asc|.md5]
httpd-2.2.4-win32-src.zip [.asc|.md5]

 [  ] Release httpd 2.2.4

Let the voting begin, and kick off 2.2.5 efforts. I understand Jim is still
interested in RM'ing 2.2.5 later this month.


+1 linux
-0 darwin: segfaults when mod_usertrack is loaded.
That's no change on before, but ISTR it's a common problem for
mac users, and should be documented.  And it would be good if
mod_usertrack declined to build on darwin, so this doesn't hit
users who have no idea of tracking down a crash.

Nick Kew

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