APACHE 2.2 STATUS:                                              -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2007-05-09 15:52:47 -0400 (Wed, 09 May 2007) $]

The current version of this file can be found at:

  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS

Documentation status is maintained seperately and can be found at:

  * docs/STATUS in this source tree, or
  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/STATUS

Consult the following STATUS files for information on related projects:

  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr/trunk/STATUS
  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr-util/trunk/STATUS

Patches considered for backport are noted in their branches' STATUS:

  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/STATUS
  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.0.x/STATUS
  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS

Release history:
    [NOTE that x.{odd}.z versions are strictly Alpha/Beta releases,
          while x.{even}.z versions are Stable/GA releases.]

    2.2.5   : In Development
    2.2.4   : Released on January 9, 2007 as GA.
    2.2.3   : Released on July 28, 2006 as GA.
    2.2.2   : Released on May 1, 2006 as GA.
    2.2.1   : Tagged on April 1, 2006, not released.
    2.2.0   : Released on December 1, 2005 as GA.
    2.1.10  : Tagged on November 19, 2005, not released.
    2.1.9   : Released on November 5, 2005 as beta.
    2.1.8   : Released on October 1, 2005 as beta.
    2.1.7   : Released on September 12, 2005 as beta.
    2.1.6   : Released on June 27, 2005 as alpha.
    2.1.5   : Tagged on June 17, 2005.
    2.1.4   : not released.
    2.1.3   : Released on  February 22, 2005 as alpha.
    2.1.2   : Released on December 8, 2004 as alpha.
    2.1.1   : Released on November 19, 2004 as alpha.
    2.1.0   : not released.

Contributors looking for a mission:

    * Just do an egrep on "TODO" or "XXX" in the source.

    * Review the bug database at: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/

    * Review the "PatchAvailable" bugs in the bug database:


      After testing, you can append a comment saying "Reviewed and tested".

    * Open bugs in the bug database.


    * Forward binary compatibility is expected of Apache 2.2.x releases, such
      that no MMN major number changes will occur.  Such changes can only be
      made in the trunk.

    * All commits to branches/2.2.x must be reflected in SVN trunk,
      as well, if they apply.  Logical progression is commit to trunk,
      get feedback and votes on list or in STATUS, then merge into
      branches/2.2.x, as applicable.


  [ start all new proposals below, under PATCHES PROPOSED. ]

   * mod_headers: Allow % at the end of a Header value
       PR: 36609
     +1: niq, rpluem, wrowe

   * mod_alias: Accept path components (URL part) in Redirects
       PR: 35314
     +1: niq, jim, wrowe

    * mod_proxy_ajp: Fix wrong retry when sending the response failed.
      PR 40310 (The old fixes weren't ok).
      Trunk version of patch:
      (It also works for httpd-2.2.x).
      +1: jfclere, rpluem, wrowe

   * mod_so: Backport 520733; more helpful LoadModule feedback, so it reads;
        Syntax error in -C/-c directive:
        API module structure 'ftp_module' in file /.../modules/mod_ftp.so 
        is garbled - expected signature 41503232 but saw 41503230 -
        perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO, or was compiled 
        for a different Apache version?
     +1: wrowe, rpluem, niq


    * ApacheMonitor: Fix Windows Vista detection.
      +1: mturk
      wrowe notes post today to list, can we please test for >= VISTA
      so this doesn't break again upon the release of longhorn server
      or 'nextgen' windows?
    * mpm_winnt: Fix return values from wait_for_many_objects.
      Note - this is required to avoid hangups of socket #64, #128
      as Microsoft set aside 64 reserved values.
      Trunk version of patch:
      2.2.x version of patch:
        Trunk version works
        is easier to read (-U8)
      +1: mturk
      wrowe notes: a patch should have the necessary effect with the
        minimum lines of code - there's alot of redecorating that's
        going on in this patch to no net effect.  The WAIT_TIMEOUT
        result value seems to be ignored in the revised code?
      mturk notes: WAIT_TIMEOUT is replaced by WAIT_FAILED with
        the accompanied patch in mpm\winnt\child.c.

   * mod_authn_dbd: Export any additional columns queried in the SQL select
     into the environment with the name AUTHENTICATE_<COLUMN>. This brings
     mod_authn_dbd behaviour in line with mod_authnz_ldap.
     Trunk: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=466865
     +1: minfrin
     niq: This wants a little tidying.  Use of 13 as a magic number (for a
          strlen of something defined elsewhere) is nasty.  More importantly
          you need to document how it affects the module's directives.
          I'll +1 it when that's done.
     wrowe: ditto's - good concept.

   * mod_cache: While serving a cached entity ensure that filters that have
     been applied to this cached entity before saving it to the cache are not
     applied again.
        PR: 40090
     Trunk version of patch:
     2.2.x version of patch:
       Trunk version works
     +1: rpluem, wrowe

   * mod_cache: Correctly cache and recall entities whose request URL's
     are url-escaped.
        PR: 41475
     Trunk version of patch:
     2.2.x version of patch:
       Trunk version works
     +1: rpluem
         wrowe asks - is there a disambiguation problem here?  The items
         in the cache should either entirely be escaped or unescaped.
         Can't violate the applicable canonicalization.  However, if this
         simply allows escaped entities that are unambiguously their
         non-path, special values, (e.g. '/' vs %2F the character)
         then I'm strongly +1.
         rpluem says: Sorry for the confusing title. This is more about
         the fact that the URL of the request is subject to several
         transformations that are applied *after* the quick handler phase
         (unescaping, possibly mod_rewrite, etc.).
         As we use the URL to calculate the cache key this can lead to 
         where we save an entity to the cache under a different key in the
         CACHE_SAVE filter then the key we use to request the entity from the
         cache during the quick handler phase. If there are still questions
         we should continue the discussion on the list.

   * mod_cache: Add CacheIgnoreQueryString directive to cache requests with
     a query string even if no expiration time is specified.
        PR: 41484
     Trunk version of patch:
     2.2.x version of patch:
       Trunk version works
     +1: rpluem


    * PKCS#7: backport PCKS#7 patches from trunk.
      +1 ben
      jerenkrantz: What's the revision number to backport?
      wrowe asks: ditto jerenkrantz

    * mod_proxy: Support variable interpolation in reverse proxy configuration
      http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=421686  (code)
      http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=422178  (code)
      +1: niq, mturk
      -1: wrowe notes; modifying the existing syntax makes collaboration 
          impossible by an admin team - unexpected side effects and the rest.
          ProxyPassEnv* or ProxyPassSubstitute* directives that add this
          behavior on a pattern-by-pattern basis would win my -1 to a +1,
          and solve the performance hits noted by niq on an 80/20 basis.

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