On 8/26/07, Julien Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> While setting up a reverse proxy squid + apache w/ mod_expires.c in order to
> decrease the load on the web server, I discovered that mod_expires.c was
> working by checking the mimetype of the content generated by the web server
> ( i.e. cgi or static file) and not the mimetype of the file that was used to
> generat the output. Could someone explain me why it is so ?

I believe that is exactly what most people expect and want. For
example, people want different expiration times for html versus gif
versus css. Many people would be annoyed if html generated by cgi was
not matched.

For what you want, you can use ExpiresDefault scoped in a <Directory>
or <Files> section to apply only to the specific content that you


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