Hi all,
I've been quietly hacking away at getting UDP support working with trunk (prefork/unix only, for starters). While I had a decent amount of success, I eventually got stuck: my original naive plan had been to poll, recvfrom (to get peer address), dup the socket, connect the dup-ed socket and close the dup-ed socket after processing a single request (as defined by the connection/protocol handlers). The hope was that since we never connected the original socket, it would still do something useful. To make a long story short, I found that it wasn't doing anything of the sort.

Before I launch into a new tactic, I wanted to see if someone has a better idea than me - the only thing that pops into my mind is moving some sort of pointers to the UDP listeners into the scoreboard (or some other R/W shared area) and simply letting the children/workers lock used sockets (so other children/workers don't poll it), and completely replace them after they're used. There are a lot of disadvantages to doing that, I think, but I can't dream up a smarter solution. Anyone have any ideas?


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