Please excuse me if this is the wrong forum for such a

Mod_autoindex is used extensively on many sites that
serve files (data, programs) via HTTP.   It supports
request query arguments to sort the results by file
name, last-modified date, size or description and to
filter the results based on a file name pattern.  
What would be extremely useful would be two additional
query parameters that would filter the list based on a
last-modified date (date/time) parameter.  If provided
as an argument, the list of files would be limited to
those having a modified-date after the “A” parameter
and those having the a modified-date before to the “B”
parameter.  Either of these parameters are optional
and typically only the “A” parameter would be used to
list files that may have been added or changed since
last viewing the directory.

These new argument parameters would allow for
detection of new or changed files very quickly by
users, mirror programs, or data-loading engines
accessing directories that have large numbers of files
or change content frequently.   An example is an
application I work with that adds new files every
5-minutes (new file names cannot be reliably predicted
and sometimes existing files are modified).   The
files are typically only 20KB each, however the
directory listing is 3.2MB since it includes months of
historical data.

Regards, Tom

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