Hi One particular perl-framework test case for httpd's include moduele keep on failing in solaris and other systems.
test case 53 in t/include.t produces the following expected and received o/ps.

# testing : GET /modules/include/file.shtml
# expected: Monday, 31-Jul-2006 07:21:59 Monday, 31-Jul-2006 07:21:59 Monday, 
July 31, 2006 Monday, July 31, 2006 07:21:59 07:21:59
# received: Monday, 31-Jul-2006 07:21:59 PDT Monday, 31-Jul-2006 07:21:59 PDT 
Monday, July 31, 2006 Monday, July 31, 2006 07:21:59 07:21:59
not ok 53

The following simple fix on t/modules/include.t make the test pass through. Can I have your comments and get it committed. Thankyou.

else {
   my $file = catfile($htdocs, splitpath($dir), "file.shtml");
   my $mtime = (stat $file)[9];

   my @time = localtime($mtime);

   my $strftime = sub($) {
       my $fmt = shift;

+       POSIX::strftime($fmt, @time);
-        POSIX::strftime($fmt, $time[0], $time[1], $time[2], $time[3], $time[4],
-                        $time[5], -1, -1, -1);


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