
        tmp=export_files_unsorted.txt; \
        rm -f $$tmp && touch $$tmp; \
        for dir in $(EXPORT_DIRS); do \
            ls $$dir/*.h >> $$tmp; \
        done; \
        for dir in $(EXPORT_DIRS_APR); do \
            (ls $$dir/ap[ru].h $$dir/ap[ru]_*.h >> $$tmp 2>/dev/null); \
        done; \
        sort -u $$tmp > $@; \
        rm -f $$tmp

Isn't it time, already, do do away with everything related to EXPORT_DIRS_APR
in httpd 2.3-dev?  (Obviously I wouldn't suggest changing anything for 2.2).

It seems every modern OS should do a perfectly respectible job of binding
dynamic libraries and their symbols without this extra, leftover cruft.


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