On Oct 2, 2007, at 10:10 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:

On Oct 2, 2007, at 08:24, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Well, we could do:

  o Apache 1.3 and 2.0 deprecated

As part of the support community, I'd like to have this defined pretty clearly.

I presume it can't mean "no more bug fixes or security fixes." I suppose it might mean "no more fixes after DD/MM/YYYY", but even then, I can't imagine that we'll utterly disregard security problems when millions of websites are running 1.3

So what does it actually mean? And why would anybody take it seriously?

Those of us who do Apache httpd support have been saying, since roughly 1999, you should get off of 1.3, but it has no teeth, and people have their reasons, some of which are even well considered.

So ... all that to say, if we're going to deprecate anything, we need to define, very clearly, what exactly that means, and what people can expect it to mean 2 years from now, 4 years, whatever. Because when there's a big problem discovered, and we choose to ignore it, "I told you so" isn't really going to look very good in the trade rags.

My pref would be: No fixes at all after such-and-such a date.
Make 1.3 be sooner and give 2.0 an additional 6 months or so.
I really don't care what the date is, but we need to define
it and stick to it.

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