On Jan 28, 2008 9:57 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> >
> > I agree that FastCGI is the better technical solution, I'm just
> > stating that neither the Apache documentation nor the PHP
> > documentation seems to state that. Even worse, they hardly document
> > the FastCGI way at all.
> FastCGI is a technically subpar way to execute trusted, valid PHP.

Isn't memory (and other resource) consumption a lot lower because you
don't need a PHP 'engine' for every thread/process?

Even valid PHP code can crash, given bugs in PHP itself.
And I think tons of users sometimes run untrusted or invalid PHP.

> People have always been under some preconception that it's good to run
> untrusted code in-process within httpd, while numerous "vulnerability"
> reports in the past (and many to appear over the future) all bear out
> that it's a really stupid idea.

Given that the alternatives (FastCGI) isn't well documented, I don't
think that's strange.

> FastCGI is also a so-so way to get around libraries which aren't thread-
> safe, running worker or event mpm's.  Of course, using the 21st century
> equivalents of those libraries probably isn't a bad solution either.


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