--- Corsix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Item 2 is 'documented' in the building from SVN
> instructions:
>     If compiling (make) reports an error that it
> cannot find the
>     libapreq2 header file, please tell me (
>     as this occurs under some configurations but we
> haven't
>     hammered down the weird things libapreq2 does
> with its
>     install. If you build libapreq2 with a --prefix
> configuration
>     option, it always seems to work.

As I mentioned to Brian, by default apreq2 installs
itself alongside libaprutil.  If mod_wombat needs
the prefix of the installation, it should be able
to get that from

  $ apreq2_config --prefix

The apreq2_config script probably got installed in
$PREFIX/bin, unless you're using a non-standard
packaged distribution of it.

The Win32 build of apreq2 probably requires 
mod_perl2, but we're seeing patches now to remove
that dependency (it may still depend on there being
a perl installed).  I know Randy offers prebuilt
packages of apreq2 for Win32, so the issue 
of Win32 build dependencies may be moot.


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