Hello Mike.

Two notes on your topic.

1.- In httpd.h there is a constant called MAX_STRING_LEN . Maybe is playing some role here. Did you notice if buffer printing gets cut just when exceeds the number of bytes defined in MAX_STRING_LEN ?

2.- For string printing, I use ap_rputs()
Not based in any special reason. Simply it is the funcion I saw on some tutorials and I use it. Test it. I always use it for printing short strings, but maybe is useful also in your case.


Mike O'Leary wrote:

I am writing an Apache module using Apache 2.2.3 and, from what I
understand, the sockets are non-blocking.  My questions is about ap_rwrite
having the signature below:

AP_DECLARE(int) ap_rwrite(const void *buf, int nbyte, request_rec *r);

Is it possible that ap_rwrite returns some value less than nbyte, but not
-1?  This would mean that I would need to loop, passing some byte offset
into buf and reducing nbyte until all of the content was sent.  If it is not
possible for ap_rwrite to return some value less than nbyte other than -1,
is there some internal mechanism that is looking to enforce a specific
transfer rate and will time out and return -1 from ap_rwrite if this rate is
not achieved?  If this is not the case, then aren't the sockets blocking?

Thanks in advance!


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