Bing Swen wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote on 2008年8月22日 9:03:
Which brings me to the other half of [community], I'm proposing we hold
an Apache httpd {next} barcamp session for the community who are at
ApacheCon BarCamp on Tuesday to learn about what has changed, what might
change, and perhaps if we get enough folks to express interest ... about
what they want to change.

Another related question: We haven't been able to build httpd on 64-bit Windows for about two and half years, since the April 2006 release of httpd-2.2.2 (But x64 build is crucial for our application, and that's why we are still using that "aged version"). Shall we have 64-bit Windows release in the near future, say 2.2.10? (btw, we are really delighted to see that now APR has a *clean* compile on x64 Windows.)

I don't even see the need to wait for 2.2.10.  It's a matter of deciding
what httpd is bound to.  msvcr71? 80? 81? 90? msvcrt?  There are arguments
for each of these cases.  I've actually put the question of recycling and
combining binary artifacts to MS Visual Studio engineers, face to face.
The response so far is a puzzled look (of "why would you want/need/care
to do that?") and no solution appears in sight, but they did take note that
some of us are increasingly frustrated with the mess this creates.

The same question will apply to 2.4.0 when it's time to roll those binaries.
Thoughts and opinions?

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