William A. Rowe, Jr. said the following on 11/03/2008 07:32 AM:
But studio (or eclipse or codewarrior or [name your IDE]) users would
appreciate a perspective into the sources.  The IDE-accessible nature
of the original Win32 port is what made it so easy for me to jump in,
understand and substantially refactor the win32 support.  Without the
IDE view, would I have done that?  Maybe - but at that time in my
development patterns - more likely not.

Lets look to supporting [name your favorite IDE] as a bigger picture
item not specific to windows, and to transition away from .dsp for
the build/ide view support.

I'm still getting my head around how all the parts of Apache work together, and would love to be able to dive into it using Eclipse and explore. The advantage of Eclipse would be that it's more cross-platform than most of the alternatives that I'm aware of.

Re: windows, aren't there one or more ports of gcc? Would something like that be worth considering as a more stable build solution than MS's tools?


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