
I compiled a list of our defaults for the enablement of modules on trunk (attached).

I think some modules should change. There is a nice "default" setting, that will enable a module when "--enable-modules=all" is used.

Some of the new modules (and filters) use this default, like mod_sed, some other older modules still stick to "no" (not even enabled with all) like mod_proxy.

Any suggestions for changing the enablement status of some modules?



Module enablement in httpd trunk

"default" means: disabled under default, most. enabled explicitly or with all.

GROUP            MODULE                ENABLED?  COMMENT

http             http                  static

aaa              access_compat         yes
aaa              auth_basic            yes
aaa              auth_form             yes
aaa              authn_core            yes
aaa              authn_file            yes
aaa              authz_core            yes
aaa              authz_groupfile       yes
aaa              authz_host            yes
aaa              authz_user            yes
arch/unix        unixd                 yes       if mpm simple or worker or 
event or prefork, otherwise no
filters          buffer                yes
filters          charset_lite          yes       if ac_cv_ebcdic == yes
filters          filter                yes
filters          include               yes
filters          ratelimit             yes
filters          request               yes
generators       asis                  yes
generators       autoindex             yes
generators       cgi                   yes       if not ap_mpm_is_threaded
generators       cgid                  yes       if ap_mpm_is_threaded
generators       status                yes
http             mime                  yes
loggers          log_config            yes
mappers          actions               yes
mappers          alias                 yes
mappers          dir                   yes
mappers          negotiation           yes
mappers          userdir               yes
metadata         env                   yes
metadata         setenvif              yes

aaa              auth_digest           most
aaa              authn_anon            most
aaa              authn_dbd             most
aaa              authn_dbm             most
aaa              authz_dbd             most
aaa              authz_dbm             most
aaa              authz_owner           most
cache            cache                 most
cache            disk_cache            most
cache            file_cache            most
cache            socache_dbm           most
cache            socache_memcache      most
cache            socache_shmcb         most
cluster          heartbeat             most
cluster          heartmonitor          most
database         dbd                   most
dav/main         dav                   most
dav/fs           dav_fs                most
debugging        dumpio                most
filters          deflate               most
filters          ext_filter            most
filters          substitute            most
generators       info                  most
loggers          logio                 most
mappers          imagemap              most
mappers          rewrite               most
mappers          speling               most
mappers          vhost_alias           most
mem              sharedmem             most
metadata         expires               most
metadata         headers               most
metadata         ident                 most
session          session               most
session          session_cookie        most
session          session_dbd           most

filters          sed                   default
loggers          log_forensic          default
metadata         cern_meta             default
metadata         mime_magic            default
metadata         unique_id             default
metadata         version               default
metadata         usertrack             default

aaa              authnz_ldap           no        Automatically enable, when 
--enable-ldap is given?
arch/unix        privileges            no
arch/win32       isapi                 no
cache            socache_dc            no
dav/lock         dav_lock              no
debugging        bucketeer             no
echo             echo                  no
examples         case_filter           no
examples         case_filter_in        no
examples         example_hooks         no
examples         example_ipc           no
generators       suexec                no
ldap             ldap                  no
lua              lua                   no
mem              plainmem              no
proxy            proxy                 no
proxy            proxy_ajp             no
proxy            proxy_balancer        no
proxy            proxy_connect         no
proxy            proxy_fcgi            no
proxy            proxy_fdpass          no
proxy            proxy_ftp             no
proxy            proxy_http            no
proxy            proxy_scgi            no
proxy/balancers  lbmethod_bybusyness   no
proxy/balancers  lbmethod_byrequests   no
proxy/balancers  lbmethod_bytraffic    no
proxy/balancers  lbmethod_heartbeat    no
proxy            serf                  no
session          session_crypto        no
ssl              ssl                   no
test             dialup                no
test             optional_fn_export    no
test             optional_fn_import    no
test             optional_hook_export  no
test             optional_hook_import  no

mappers          so                    $ac_cv_define_APR_HAS_DSO

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