Kevac Marko wrote:

I'm not experienced in commiting patches to open source projects, so I
am very thankful for your comments.

  No problem -- thanks for pushing this patch along!

  One thought I had overnight is that you might, if you like, want
to tackle the init SQL patch first, which seems unrelated to the
multiple pools idea and significantly simpler, easier to review,
and probably easier to backport as well.

  Can you provide an example of how such initialization SQL queries
would be used?  And, as a question, might it be necessary for such
queries to run before any other SQL queries are prepared?  IIRC
in the patch they are run after the other queries are prepared, but
if they were truly required for connection initialization, they'd
need to be absolutely first, no?

80 columns is a little bit ancient requirement in the world of 22"
LCDs, but ok, i'll fix that too.

  I mentioned this just because it's part of the httpd style
guidelines, and because there's no need to reformat existing code
which already meets the guideline.

  This is off-topic, but personally I like such a limit not only for
the key reasons already mentioned by Brian (i.e., having two or more
versions of the same code or some inter-related files next to each
other), but also because I find it helps curtail poor design on my part.

  If I've got a deeply nested set of blocks and I'm hitting up against
the right margin, that's a good hint I need to rethink what I'm doing
and likely refactor it into some smaller functions.  It also forces
one to avoid names like foo_bar_baz_wadda_wadda_yippity_boom_de_boom() --
or in Java, fooBarBazWaddaWaddaYippityBoomDeBoom() -- and find something
shorter and more expressive.  And if I have a function with a large
number of arguments, it makes me review whether they should really
be part of a single data structure or object; that's been a good
reminder to me over the years of Fred Brooks's old adage about thinking
through one's data structures first.


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